Lucas Morten leaves traces of imperfections, fragility and emotion in his multidimensional pieces of art

Lucas Morten leaves traces of imperfections, fragility and emotion in his multidimensional pieces of art l INTERIORGLOBE

Lucas Morten is an artist studio based in Varberg, the creative hotspot of South Sweden, run by Lucas Morten and Tyra-Stina Wilhelmsson. The atelier seeks to move away from the increasingly modern and technological world, where more efficient production lines are created with greater precision and larger editions.

Instead, the duo explores the fragility of human life containing imperfections, emotions and inconsistency, leaving each object with a humanitarian trace. In their atelier, the artistic couple creates multidimensional works of art that can be physically interacted with.

The question that art director Tyra-Stina Wilhelmsson wanted to investigate with this series was: “What do the analogue tools of an artist give away about their direction, process and philosophy?”. By taking detailed images and zooming in on several of the most used tools from their atelier, they wish to invite the observer to form their own perception of what is being created. Trial and error is an important factor in the formation of the final results: “It takes a long process of experimenting with materials and tools, trials and errors to come up with a finished piece”. As the duo creates every piece of art and furniture 100% by hand, recurring humanitarian traces are visibly seen in the finished works.

Art direction and photography by Tyra-Stina Wilhelmsson

Lucas Morten leaves traces of imperfections, fragility and emotion in his multidimensional pieces of art l INTERIORGLOBE
Lucas Morten leaves traces of imperfections, fragility and emotion in his multidimensional pieces of art l INTERIORGLOBE
Lucas Morten leaves traces of imperfections, fragility and emotion in his multidimensional pieces of art l INTERIORGLOBE
Lucas Morten leaves traces of imperfections, fragility and emotion in his multidimensional pieces of art l INTERIORGLOBE
Lucas Morten leaves traces of imperfections, fragility and emotion in his multidimensional pieces of art l INTERIORGLOBE
Lucas Morten leaves traces of imperfections, fragility and emotion in his multidimensional pieces of art l INTERIORGLOBE
Lucas Morten leaves traces of imperfections, fragility and emotion in his multidimensional pieces of art l INTERIORGLOBE
Lucas Morten leaves traces of imperfections, fragility and emotion in his multidimensional pieces of art l INTERIORGLOBE